/manager/Index en-au 5 Molecular manipulation of the mir396 and mir399 expression modules alters the response of arabidopsis thaliana to phosphate stress /manager/Repository/uon:48593 Wed 22 Mar 2023 08:46:40 AEDT ]]> Molecular manipulation of microRNA397 abundance influences the development and salt stress response of arabidopsis thaliana /manager/Repository/uon:38723 Wed 19 Jan 2022 10:04:17 AEDT ]]> MicroRNA-mediated responses to cadmium stress in Arabidopsis thaliana /manager/Repository/uon:49855 Tue 06 Jun 2023 15:03:36 AEST ]]> Profiling of the salt stress responsive MicroRNA landscape of C4 genetic model species Setaria viridis (L.) beauv /manager/Repository/uon:42559 Thu 25 Aug 2022 11:05:11 AEST ]]> The development of Setaria viridis as a model system to investigate Type II cell wall construction, deconstruction and biomass quality traits /manager/Repository/uon:35167 Thu 11 Jul 2019 10:23:52 AEST ]]> Robust and reproducible agrobacterium-mediated transformation system of the C4 genetic model species setaria viridis /manager/Repository/uon:45090 Setaria viridis (green foxtail) has been identified as a potential experimental model system to genetically and molecularly characterise the C4 monocotyledonous grasses due to its small physical size, short generation time and prolific seed production, together with a sequenced and annotated genome. Setaria viridis is the wild ancestor of the cropping species, foxtail millet (Setaria italica), with both Setaria species sharing a close evolutionary relationship with the agronomically important species, maize, sorghum, and sugarcane, as well as the bioenergy feedstocks, switchgrass, and Miscanthus. However, an efficient and reproducible transformation protocol is required to further advance the use of S. viridis to study the molecular genetics of C4 monocotyledonous grasses. An efficient and reproducible protocol was established for Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated transformation of S. viridis (Accession A10) regenerable callus material derived from mature seeds, a protocol that returned an average transformation efficiency of 6.3%. The efficiency of this protocol was the result of the: (i) use of mature embryo derived callus material; (ii) age of the seed used to induce callus formation; (iii) composition of the callus induction media, including the addition of the ethylene inhibitor, silver nitrate; (iv) use of a co-cultivation approach, and; (v) concentration of the selective agent. Our protocol furthers the use of S. viridis as an experimental model system to study the molecular genetics of C4 monocotyledonous grasses for the potential future development of improved C4 cropping species.]]> Mon 29 Jan 2024 18:01:50 AEDT ]]> Reference gene identification for reliable normalisation of quantitative RT-PCR data in Setaria viridis /manager/Repository/uon:35166 Setaria viridis) has recently been proposed as a potential experimental model for the study of C₄ photosynthesis and is closely related to many economically important crop species of the Panicoideae subfamily of grasses, including Zea mays (maize), Sorghum bicolor (sorghum) and Sacchurum officinarum (sugarcane). Setaria viridis (Accession 10) possesses a number of key traits as an experimental model, namely; (i) a small sized, sequenced and well annotated genome; (ii) short stature and generation time; (iii) prolific seed production, and, (iv) is amendable to Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated transformation. There is currently however, a lack of reference gene expression information for Setaria viridis (S. viridis). We therefore aimed to identify a cohort of suitable S. viridis reference genes for accurate and reliable normalisation of S. viridis RT-qPCR expression data. Results: Eleven putative candidate reference genes were identified and examined across thirteen different S. viridis tissues. Of these, the geNorm and NormFinder analysis software identified SERINE/THERONINE-PROTEIN PHOSPHATASE 2A (PP2A), 5'-ADENYLYLSULFATE REDUCTASE 6 (ASPR6) and DUAL SPECIFICITY PHOSPHATASE (DUSP) as the most suitable combination of reference genes for the accurate and reliable normalisation of S. viridis RT-qPCR expression data. To demonstrate the suitability of the three selected reference genes, PP2A, ASPR6 and DUSP, were used to normalise the expression of CINNAMYL ALCOHOL DEHYDROGENASE (CAD) genes across the same tissues. Conclusions: This approach readily demonstrated the suitably of the three selected reference genes for the accurate and reliable normalisation of S. viridis RT-qPCR expression data. Further, the work reported here forms a highly useful platform for future gene expression quantification in S. viridis and can also be potentially directly translatable to other closely related and agronomically important C₄ crop species.]]> Mon 24 Jun 2019 16:46:06 AEST ]]> Molecular manipulation of the mir396/grf expression module alters the salt stress response of arabidopsis thaliana /manager/Repository/uon:49797 Fri 02 Jun 2023 17:08:29 AEST ]]>